Headline text for Research and Development
FCM is also focusing on research and development aimed at establishing completely new technologies.
With regard to "plating", which is our core business, we will build on the technology we have accumulated so far.
We aim to further improve productivity and quality.
In addition, by designing production equipment in-house, we are creating new equipment technology and processing technology that can be used in mass production.
We are also working on new development of processing technology and elemental technology,Through the use of public subsidies such as NEDO and joint research with universities and research institutions,We are developing low-cost ultrafine wiring formation technology and high-performance surface treatment technology.

Research and Development Initiatives

Cooperation with universities and other
In the development of new plating technologies and equipment technologies, we
in cooperation with universities and research institutes.
We conduct research and development.
【Joint research destination】
Osaka University, Osaka Prefectural University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Konan University,
Osaka Institute of Industrial Science and Technology

Plating technology development
Metal - In order to improve the bonding adhesion between resins, Developed Ni roughening plating technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology the mechanism for improving adhesion through joint research with I figured it out.

Grant Business
utilizing various public grants to
We are developing.
【Examples of achievements】
NEDO Problem-Setting Industrial Technology Development Subsidy
(Subsidy for practical use of rare metal alternative and reduced energy-saving materials technology)
"Development of ITO Alternative Microcopper Wire Transparent Conductive Film (Microplating Method) "